About Alumni



Mohammad Al- Mana College of Medical sciences (MACHS) has a good reputation for efficient, high- quality academic programs because of this good reputation there is a high growing of student numbers each year. As a result of that numbers of graduates are increasing as well. MACHS needs to keep in touch and communicate with their graduates by taking care of them after they graduated from MACHS. This is going to be the role of alumni center makes sure that all graduates are in the right path in all life levels social, educational, and professional. Alumni Center is going to support and help graduates to reach their targets.


To provide valuable career development services that are beneficial for the students and the community.

Tom Cruise


Building bridges of communication with graduate students, and given their role more effective in the community and college. By instructing them toward the needs of the labor market. Also, support or help them to invest their skills and energies.

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  • To nurture relationships with current and future alumni and engage them in the life college.
  • To promote and enhance effective communication between the college and its alumni.
  • To ensure the quality of our future alumni by continuing to assist the university and recruiting future students.
  • Assist students with internship and volunteer opportunities.
  • Help students and alumni in exploring, choosing, and implementing successful career plans.
  • Provide employment opportunities, job market trends, and career related information to students and alumni.

Career Services

The department ensures to assist students with career development and help search for part-time and full-time employment.

To further develop students for the job market, the Department of Career Services holds annual career fairs and year-round workshops for polishing student skills and traits.

The department offers students several services such as resume and portfolio building, graduate study advising, internship opportunities, and job placement. For further information, please pay a visit or contact the department.